Title: Just Married (Chapter 5) Author: yaotomesugoi Pairing: RyoDa Rating: PG-13 Summary: Ueda's family company merged with the Nishikido's family company and their children married each other...
Title: Just Married (Chapter 5) Author: yaotomesugoi Pairing: RyoDa Rating: PG-13 Summary: Ueda's family company merged with the Nishikido's family company and their children married each other...
Title: Just Married (Chapter 4) Author: yaotomesugoi Pairing: RyoDa Rating: PG-13 Summary: Ueda's family company merged with the Nishikido's family company and their children married each other...
Title: Just Married (Chapter 3) Author: yaotomesugoi Pairing: RyoDa Rating: PG-13 Summary: Ueda's family company merged with the Nishikido's family company and their children married each other...
Title: Just Married (Chapter 2) Author: yaotomesugoi Pairing: RyoDa Rating: PG-13 Summary: Ueda's family company merged with the Nishikido's family company and their children married each other...
Title: Just Married (Chapter 1) Author: yaotomesugoi Pairing: RyoDa Rating: PG-13 Summary: Ueda's family company merged with the Nishikido's family company and their children married each other...
Title: Just Married (Prologue) Author: yaotomesugoi Pairing: RyoDa Rating: PG-13 Summary: Ueda's family company merged with the Nishikido's family company and their children married each other...
Title: Always and Forever (Chapter 3 - finale) Author: yaotomesugoi Pairing: RyoDa Rating: NC-17 Summary: RyoDa are together but their common friend likes Ueda and asks him to do a favour.
Title: Always and Forever (Chapter 2) Author: yaotomesugoi Pairing: RyoDa Rating: NC-17 Summary: RyoDa are together but their common friend likes Ueda and asks him to do a favour.
Title: Always and Forever (Chapter 1) Author: yaotomesugoi Pairing: RyoDa Rating: NC-17 Summary: RyoDa are together but their common friend likes Ueda and asks him to do a favour.